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  I have read and AGREE with Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

We are happy that you are taking your time to read these terms and Conditions of service (the “Terms and Conditions”).

These Terms are important as they, together with your booking confirmation email (the “Booking Confirmation”), set out the legal terms on which Hotel Bookings are made available to you through our websites or apps. The Terms and Conditions also cover any interactions or communications you have with us through nairobi-hotels.co.ke

Your use of our website is conditioned upon your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. To book hotel nights, you must also accept these Terms and Conditions. If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions, then please do not book hotels using our website.

We may change these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice and your future use of our hotel booking services following changes to these Terms and Conditions is subject to you accepting those new terms and conditions. If you so wish you may print these terms and conditions.

In these Terms:

We, Us” refers to nairobi-hotels.co.ke website.

our Partners” refers to all hotels which sell their rooms on our website.

our Service” refers to the provision of our websites for making hotel bookings.

you” refers to you, the hotel booker, using our website to make a booking or bookings on our website.

Rules and Restrictions of booking

As well as these Terms and Conditions, other terms and conditions provided by the hotels also apply to your booking (“Rules and Restrictions of booking”).

To make a booking, you must accept the Rules and Restrictions of the Hotel that you select (such as payment of due amounts, refundability, penalties and availability, etc.). The relevant Rules and Restrictions are provided to you before you make a booking and are incorporated by reference into these Terms and Conditions.

If you violate a Hotel’s Rules and Restrictions, your booking may be cancelled and you may be denied access to the relevant Hotel Services. You may also lose any money paid in advance for such booking and we or the Hotel may debit your account for any costs we or they incur as a result of such violation.

Using our Service

Our rules and regulations

We provide our Hotel Booking website to help you find information about Hotel  Services and to assist you in booking those Hotels. It is provided to you for no other purpose other than booking hotels.

You agree that:

  • you will only use our hotel booking service for personal and commercial purposes
  • you must be an adult of at least 18 years of age and have the legal authority to enter into contracts
  • you will use our Service lawfully and in compliance with these Terms and Conditions
  • all information supplied by you is true, accurate and current
  • if you have an account with us, you will:
  • not share your account information especially password
  • be responsible for any use of your account by you or others
  • if you book on behalf of others:
  • you will obtain their authorization prior to acting on their behalf
  • you will inform them about the terms that apply to the booking (including the Rules and Restrictions) and ensure that they agree to such terms and conditions
  • you are responsible for paying any amounts due, for making any change/cancellation requests and for all other matters relating to the booking.

You also agree not to:

  • make any false or fraudulent booking.

Access to Our Website

We may deny anyone access to our Hotel Booking website at any time for any valid reason. We may also make improvements and changes to our Hotel Booking Services at any time.

Confirming a booking

Your Booking Confirmation includes the essential elements of your booking, such as the name of the hotel(s) booked, the price and dates of stay.

We will send your Hotel Booking Confirmation to the email address you provide when you book. If you do not receive your Booking Confirmation within 24 hours of making your booking, please contact us.

Cancelling a booking

Your Booking cancellation will be done as per the cancellation policy of the hotel as at the time of making that booking.

We will send the Hotel Booking Cancellation to the email address you provide when you booked. If you do not receive your Booking Cancellation within 24 hours of making your booking, please contact us.

Refund for Cancelled booking

A refund for the Cancelled booking will be done as per the cancellation policy of the hotel. If the cancellation is done within the cancellation policy, a full refund will be done. If the cancellation is done after the cancellation policy and before the expiry of the stay, a one night penalty will be charged. If the cancellation is done after the expiry of the stay, no refund will be done.

Non-Refundable booking

A non refundable booking is a condition given to a booking with a special rate for a certain period of time. This is normally indicated during the booking process. For this kind of reservation, when cancelled no refund is done. For such a booking even if it is done today and cancelled the same day, no refund is given.

Booking Payment


The price of the Hotel(s) will be as displayed on our website, except in cases of obvious error.

Prices for hotels are dynamic and can change at any time without prior notice. Price

changes will not affect bookings already accepted, except in cases of obvious error. We display many Hotel prices and we try hard to ensure that the displayed prices are accurate.


The prices displayed throughout our website include local government taxes which are obligatory.

Payment processing

When payment is taken at the time of your booking and paid for in the preferred currency, the company processing the payment (via third-party payment processors) and charging your payment method will be Paypal.


We recommend that your password should be at least 6 characters long and should be different from your username.

Your e-mail address must be valid. We use e-mail for communication purposes (order notifications, etc). Therefore, it is essential to provide a valid e-mail address to be able to use our services correctly.

All your private data is confidential. We will never sell, exchange or market it in any way. For further information on the responsibilities of both parts, you may refer to us.

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